Monday, November 19, 2012

Social media revolution 2012

way, the, and it&. "The Social Media Revolution 2012 - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>.

Social media, in many ways, reflects the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in human history. Changes occurred in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, technology, and many more. Changing the way everyday people did these things.  All of these factors that changed during the Industrial Revolution in some way influenced daily life. Today there is in some ways a second revolution, creating changes in the way we look at everyday life. Social media isn’t just a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. Communication is key in a functional society, but in some ways it can be over used. Facebook for instance became very populated in just under a year, by gaining 200,000,000 users. It took the idea of the television 13 years to get only 50,000,000 users. Although social media is a very helpful tool for advertising, it does have its faults. People can waste days on these social media sites. There are better things to be doing with your time, being aware of what’s going on in the world, focusing on our environment so our society does not collapse. Think back when the internet did not exist, people didn’t write down on paper updates of what they were doing every minute of every day like what happens on Facebook today. When it comes to the work place there were less distractions to occupy your time when you are supposed to be working. Today, strict rules have been put into place in most work places because of people’s temptation to access social media. The temptation often prevents them from accomplishing what needs to be done for their job. Social media can be great tool for communication, but it can be a huge distraction

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