Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Unplugged Challenge

Brustein, Joshua. "The Unplugged Challenge: Readers Respond -" Technology - Bits Blog - New York Times , 15 Aug. 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>.

The Unplugged Challenge happened when the New York Times asked readers to temporarily give up their technological devices for a period of time.  You can watch videos of the participants experiences at this link:

Some participants found it very difficult and left them feeling uneasy and jittery, while others seemed to enjoy the experience because it helped them realize just how much time they were spending using technology. 
In the article, it says that those wishing to control their technology use “should approach the task more like a diet than a withdrawal from drugs.  The idea is to learn to distinguish between necessary and compulsive consumption.” Keeping a log of your use can help you see your patterns.  It also pointed out that very few phone calls or emails or texts are life and death matters.  What you have to learn is to stop the automatic response to those cues.

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